cheese world baby
cheese world baby
Cheese World
After re-listening to this, I have a few criticisms but I feel like KOLANI summed it up pretty well so I wont reiterate too much. Overall I definitely think more time should be put into planning out bigger episodes like these, since it definitely felt a little off/awkward at times. Not all was bad however! I really enjoyed the topics that were talked about especially towards the end there and getting to know more about Flash game dev. is always a treat, but I do think some more work needs to be put into the initial planning. I also understand stuff like isn't easy so I don't blame anyone too much for these problems. Anyways, good luck to everyone with future podcasts!
You'd never know it, but there was a plan (that went off the rails pretty quickly). Then desperation set in trying to get things on track, but just made it worse, than finally someone threw a life preserver out and gave us warm hot chocolate.
video maker
Joined on 7/9/19